I see so many people in this day and time doing things that compromise their integrity who then try to justify it with some stupid excuse. There are no excuses when it comes to compromising because once you justify it one time then it becomes a little easier to justify it again and then again on bigger things.
Compromising on your beliefs is the worst thing you can do. You can compromise in certain areas of life but when it comes to your foundation and belief system, you just can’t go there. You will live in regret.
I had a conversation on Facebook a while back where someone mentioned that people will do whatever they need to in order to not lose their home. This person felt that it was OK to do things that you normally would not do in order to stay afloat.
I beg to differ on this. No matter what you do to save your home, if you have compromised your beliefs to save it then you have paid a higher price to save your home than to lose it. Nothing you own materially is worth saving if you have to compromise what you believe in order to either save it or get it.
I know people who kept their integrity and allowed their home to be foreclosed on and then just found a way to pick themselves up and start over then 5 years later, they are on top of the world because they know in their heart that they didn’t compromise to keep something material. They chose to stay true to God’s principles and have been Blessed for that. I also know people who did compromise on things in order to keep their home and they are now in jail for many years. It just isn’t worth it to compromise on your values and integrity.
People have to live with the consequences of their actions. If one compromises on them, they will pay a very high price. The price of compromising is way more than the price of losing everything you own. That’s a price I will not pay.
In the past I have payed that price many times and lost everything. I lost my dignity, I lost my hope, I lost my dreams, I lost my first wife. I almost lost my life in the process. I am now on a journey where God has turned my life around. Thank God he never gave up on me but I gave up on myself when I crossed the line and compromised on small things that became bigger things down the road.
If I didn’t decide that enough is enough not only would I not be married right now to a wonderful wife but I know I would not have Lil Chris which has been such a Blessing in our lives. He is 21 months old right now but WOW has he helped me see an even bigger picture.
God will rise you back up as long as you don’t compromise. Even if you have risen to the top by compromising, I promise you the day will come when you fall. That fall will be so big you might not think you can handle it. The fall will be fast and hard. You may think it will not come to pass but it will eventually happen.
We watch the show “American Greed” all the time and it just amazes me how much these people think their ponzi scheme can make it even though there is no way for it to. It is not logical to think that. These are some very smart people who do these scams but somehow they think they will be immune to the fall.
Like all ponzi schemes, they all fall over time. On the show it seems that every scam they document lasts between 8 -12 years then they spend the rest of their life in prison. I am not sure what these people are thinking but prison is not what they think when they first start the scam.
It usually starts small but then to cover up the small things they have to make bigger coverups until the day comes that they can’t cover the scam up anymore and then it crashes.
Am I saying you will end up in a scam? No but what I am saying is that when you compromise you start justifying every stupid decision you make until your whole life is a justification. Don’t allow yourself to get there.
You may be saying that it is just a small compromise but that is what satan wants you to believe. He knows if he can get you to compromise on small things then one day you will compromise on bigger things. He also knows once he has you compromising, you lose all of your ability to make your own decisions because then the compromised situation takes over and you have to make decisions based on that issue.
So what do you do? Just don’t compromise no matter what. Your integrity is worth more than anything you can get by compromising. How do you do it? One thing is to stay in God’s word daily. Also keep close friends that will hold you accountable around you. You need to have someone that will call you out when they see you straying even a little.
If you will just stay true to your beliefs and not compromise, you will find the day will come when you can look back and say wow, I made it through this life without compromising my beliefs and feel good about it. Even if your past isn’t squeaky clean, you can change from this point so that you can finish strong. It doesn’t matter how you start in life what truly matters is how you finish. Will you finish it strong for God?
Ask God to come back into your life so that he can cleanse your past! Ask him to give you the courage to stay true to your beliefs even when they are challenged. Ask him to also give you the courage to stay strong in your integrity even though compromising seems like the best way to go because it looks easier. Ask him to bring a few good people around you to help you stay the course and to guide you when you get off track.
Be Inspired or Be Left Behind!
Chris Benton