Do you realize that we are all blessed with emotions? We all have emotions based on how open our heart is. I have always been told that I wear my heart on my sleeve. I don’t know any other way to do that. I feel no matter what you do you have to throw your heart in it 100% or why bother?
Over the years I thought I was cursed with too much emotion. I mean, I am a man right? I thought men don’t tear up! If I watch an inspirational movie I will be moved to tears. I used to think that was a bad thing and I am sure some people reading this will still think it is.
What I have realized is that God gives us our emotions so we can relate to people. Without them life would be boring. Can you imagine a world where everyones heart is cold? I can’t, I have met many people like that and they don’t look happy to me. I have also met people like me who wear their emotions on their sleeve and they tend to not take life for granted.
I am not saying to let our emotions control us here. I have seen some people that are so emotional they can’t even live. That isn’t the point here. The point is we are all Blessed with emotions and there is nothing wrong with showing them. It doesn’t make you less of a man, in fact I believe it makes you more of a man because that is Christ-Like. I know with all my heart that God wants to use our emotions for the greater good.
I watched so many people years ago put down Tim Tebow because he was in tears after a big game. What is so wrong with that? People said he wasn’t a man. To be honest, every athlete I have seen win big or lose big, I have seen them with emotional tears. If you are living your life with passion there is no way for you not to be emotional with life. Why live life without passion in it? I don’t think God wants that plus if you really think about it, do you?
Passion moves mountains. Plain and simple. A passionless life is a life not lived. If you have no passion in your life then you need to go find something that you can be passionate about and move forward. Once you do that you will never want to live a life without passion again.
Passion motivates people. When you are around passionate people you tend to draw from their passion and it gets you passionate. People don’t follow titles, they follow passion. You look all through history and it is the passionate people who motive people to their cause.
Whatever you are doing decide that you are going to put your heart 100% in it and if you can’t then you need to change directions and find something that you can. What are you truly passionate about? Follow your heart but lead with your mind and you can’t go wrong. Find what God has placed in your heart and follow where he is leading you with a passionate spirit.
Be Inspired or Be Left Behind!
Chris Benton
How do I become less hardened and be emotional and open with women again? I’m bitter please help
The key is to get in God’s word daily. Without that you will never be as open as God wants you to be. God is ready to take you to a new level in life but you have to take the first step and that is opening the bible. I hope and pray that you can get beyond whats going on and move forward in your life with more emotion because a life with emotions and the life God planned for us.