Can God Turn Your Mess into a Message?

Have you ever went through something and just knew that there is no way that something good can come out of this? That is usually how God works. He takes your mess and creates a message. He gives you a test and creates a testimony. He can take your trial and turn it into a triumph. He can make you into a victor from being a victim.

There are many times when bad things happen to good people. We can’t explain it but God has a plan. Even when we feel there is no way out, God knows the way if we just trust in him. Why would you trust God for your eternity but not trust him in your day to day living? God wants your full heart. He doesn’t want half of your heart. Are you ready to give him your full heart? Are you ready to see your life change even when things don’t look like they can? Several years ago we were having a very hard time financially and God used that to help us grow spiritually.

We were struggling so bad that all we had was God and each other. God knew this was what we needed in order to turn our lives back toward him. God knew if he pulled us out of those circumstances back then we would not have grown spiritually. God knew he needed to take us low way before he could bring us up high.

Over the last few years since the economy has done so poorly, we have grown the most spiritually. Through our financial struggles, we found God again. We know in our hearts that we would have stayed away from church and everything if we didn’t go through what we have went through.

Several years ago we used to tell people that we don’t need church in order to serve God. On the surface that sounds good but we were so wrong. We had no idea how much a good church can help you grow spiritually.

I guess in reality we never really found the right church for us so we judged all churches based on that. When I hear people now say they don’t need church I cringe as but by the grace of God there go I. I can do everything I can to let them know why they need church but if their attitude was like mine, they aren’t going to listen.

Sometimes you have to just let God be God. He knows their heart and he knows how to get them back and he will do it when he is ready for them.

He used food to get us back in church. Sounds kind of crazy but that is exactly what happened. Back several years ago we would attend everything that was free that had food. There are many business things that do that so we would eat plus get to network with business people to help grow our business.

Well, Sandy read online about a church for the summer doing Wednesday night dinners for free for the community and if you wanted, you could stick around for the service. I was like, we could get fed in two ways one through our stomachs and another through our spirit. It was a win-win in my eyes so we started going.

Well we went 3 weeks in a row and really enjoyed it so we were finally opening our hearts again to church. We decided to try their Sunday morning service. When we got there we weren’t really sure but by the time the service started, I knew deep down this was not the place I was supposed to be. It was one of those gut feelings.

As we were in the service I was a little mad at God. I asked him what now? I was finally open but then knew we were in the wrong place. At that moment I felt God nudge me and say Savannah Christian. I asked REALLY? I have never thought about that church but felt very strongly about God saying that is where we are supposed to be.

When we left the service I asked Sandy if she was comfortable hoping she would say no and she told me that she wasn’t. I told her that not only were we supposed to go to Savannah Christian Church the next week but we were supposed to become members and grow there for now.

She didn’t say a word to me but OK if that is what you think but she told me later that deep down she thought I was crazy. Well we went there and as they say the rest is history. We have been there for over 3 years now and we can honestly say God used Savannah Christian Church to change our lives.

So in a sense, he used food to get us back on track with him. What if we would have never stepped out on faith and went? What if I didn’t have the faith that God spoke to me about Savannah Christian? What if I would have allowed people thinking I was crazy to stop me from listening to God? I almost hate to think where we would be today.

God used a bad situation to turn it into something good in us. He turned our mess into a message and guess what? He isn’t through yet just like he isn’t through with you either. He has a plan for you. He is waiting on you to step out on faith and trust him to lead you. He is waiting for your first move. He will meet you when you move.

God will make up in ability at the level of your availability. If you are only a little available to him then your ability from God will be small but if your availability says to God here I am now use me, look out because those are the words that God is waiting on. He will use you in a mighty way.

Ask God to show you the way you are supposed to go. Tell him that you are ready for him to use you in whatever manner he has for you. Ask him to turn your mess into his message. Ask him to take your trials and help you triumph over them. Ask him to give you the courage to follow through even when things look bad on the surface. Ask him to give you the faith that you need to stand even if it is alone for him through it all. Ask him to work in and through you through your circumstances.

Be Inspired or Be Left-Behind!

Chris Benton

One thought on “Can God Turn Your Mess into a Message?

  1. Thank you Mr. Chris for sharing this. See am in a mess right now 😊. A $18,000 mess and for months I have been trying to find the money to pay back in vain. Before t recently I surrendered it to God and asked Him to use this mess to bring glory to His Name. He filled me with peace and hope and the stress is gone. So thank you for sharing.

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