It’s Decision Time!

A few years ago was Decision Weekend at Savannah Christian Church. Cam did a great job at making the weekend a weekend of decisions. As he preached you could just feel something in the air. By the end of his sermon we saw more people come forward to make some great decisions for God. It was such a moving experience. This is how church is supposed to be.

That got me to thinking, why should it be just decision weekend at church? Why not take this challenge to you? We are challenging you to look deep inside and figure out the decisions that you need to make in your life from God to career to relationships. Look at EVERYTHING!

What do you need to change? I bet you are already thinking of a few things. Commit those changes to paper and to your spouse if you are married.

Whats holding you back? It is time for you to get on with your life and hand all your baggage to Christ. Until you let go of your past and give it all to Christ, you will always be paralyzed to it. It will keep holding you back from where God is calling you to go.

I went through 19 years of addictions and tried to quit so many times. It wasn’t until I just had enough and gave those addictions to Christ that things started changing in my life. December 26th of this year will be the 6 year mark of being completely sober. WOW what a difference it makes when you give it all to Christ.

What are you holding back? Why are you holding back? Is it career choices? Maybe you know you are in a dead end career and God has already told you the direction he wants you? MOVE!!! Maybe you are a little scared but with God on your side anything is possible. Be thankful that he has given you a vision. Some are still searching for theirs from God.

Maybe its a relationship? Maybe you are ready to take the next step in your relationship? Maybe you are dating someone that you know is wrong and you know God wants you out?

NOW is the time to make these kinds of decisions. There is never a better time than the present to make quality decisions for your life. The longer you wait the harder it will be to make those decisions and the closer to a disaster you will be.

You are better off making decisions early so that it saves you from getting to the point of having no choice to make a decision. Example most people don’t start getting healthy until they have a heart attack or something bad happens. Why allow a decision that needs to be made get to a point where you have to suffer before you make the decision?

Its like the old joke, there was a dog whining badly and a guy asked the owner whats wrong with your dog? He said hes just laying on a nail. The guy asked why don’t he move? The dog owner laughed and said It doesn’t hurt him enough.

Is that where you are in your life? Are you so comfortable that you don’t want to make a decision? Are you not hurting bad enough yet? Are you settling for instead of pursuing where God wants you to?

There are so many decisions in a lifetime that we all must make. The decision to take your life to where God wants it to go may sound tough but its not as long as you are listening to God with all of your heart. Once you realize that doing it your way just won’t work then its time to do it God’s way.

Now go out and make those few hard decisions that you know you need to make and watch God move mountains in and through your life! God is ready to guide you but you have to make some tough decisions first!

Be Inspired or Be Left Behind!

Chris Benton

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