We realize that most people spend less than 5% of their time at or with their local church. What about the other 95+% of the time? What are you doing for God in those times? We believe that God wants us to be a huge part of the local church but also live for God everyday not just Sunday. We know so many people who are “Sunday Christians” and that gives all of us a bad example. I am not saying they are bad people, they just have not grown to realize yet that there is more. We were there! We used to ONLY go to church and that was it but we have realized now that God wants so much more out of us than just our butts in the seats.
This is what we mean by the term “Sunday Christians”: Do you show up to church like you are supposed to, you look the part but ONLY that one time a week? The rest of the week you are doing your own thing and God really isn’t in the picture in your life? People see you at church but you know in your heart you haven’t sold out to Christ yet. Being a Christian is a 24/7 thing to do.
Is that you? If it is, maybe it is time to change that. God wants more for us. God wants us to sell out to his vision and purpose for our lives. If you are married then that vision and purpose will be a shared vision and purpose but if you are single then God will have a single purpose for you.
A lot of people try to do it all including us. We are no different than any of you. We want it all but sometimes it’s not about doing it all but in doing what God has directed you to do. Will this be easy? Of course not but it will be worth it.
We have no idea what God has called you to do but we know what God has called us to do. Everything we do involves helping people move to the next level. We hope that through Str8 Talk, we can help people look at things just a tad differently. If we have done that then we are doing a part of what we have been called to do.
We hope that you’ll be inspired to raise the bar on your life and live God’s way to the best of your abilities. And when you fall, you pick yourself up and move forward again. God knows that we all will fall short but we have to always get back up and move forward. If we fall 9 times then God expects us to get up that 10th time.
Let us inspire each other to go to the next level and let God do his work in our hearts. Let God use you for his glory. Find out what God wants you to do and run. Don’t ask why but RUN and let God guide you. Your life will never be the same!
Be Inspired or Be Left-Behind!
Chris Benton