When it comes to your passions in life where do you stand? Are you just trying to pursue them or are you at 212 degrees? 212 degrees is the boiling point. 212 turns steam into boiling water and that moves things. If you have your passion at 212 then you too will be moving at the speed of passion.
No one follows someone who has little passion. Have you ever heard someone speak and said to yourself, they just don’t seem passionate to you? You can feel a passionate person. Passion moves people. When you move people then big things can happen.
People follow leaders with passion. Many people follow people who maybe they don’t 100% agree with just because of their passion. They feel that this person is going somewhere and they don’t want to miss the boat. They know by being around this person, passion will rub off on them too.
Just because someone has a ton of passion doesn’t mean they are loud either. I know many people who are very low-key but you can feel the passion when they speak. Passion leads people to make quality decisions. Passion is a game changer.
When you get your passion at 212 then look out because God will use you mightily. God can take your 212 passion and turn it into something you only dream of. God wants your passion, he doesn’t need your passive self. It is really easy to stay passive in life but that is not what God called us to be. He called us to be fully devoted followers of Christ. When you are fully devoted your passion will come out.
Wikipedia says that boiling is the rapid vaporization of a liquid, which occurs when a liquid is heated to its boiling point, the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the pressure exerted on the liquid by the surrounding environmental pressure. While below the boiling point a liquid evaporates from its surface, at the boiling point vapor bubbles come from the bulk of the liquid. For this to be possible, the vapor pressure must be sufficiently high to win the atmospheric pressure, so that the bubbles can be “inflated”. Thus, the difference between evaporation and boiling is “mechanical”, rather than thermodynamical.
The question is do you want to be the liquid that just evaporates or do you want to be the liquid that sizzles? Becoming a 212 person will bring you to the boiling point in your life. What are you passionate about? What can take you to the next level? What really matters in your heart? What deep down just bothers you to your core?
When you answer some of those questions you will find where God has placed the passion inside of you. Every one of us has a passion for something. It is something that God places in each of us. It can even change as you age because God leads you in other directions as you grow in Christ. Where God wants you today he may not want you 5 years from now. He is preparing you for his full purpose.
Where do you want to be in 5 years? 10 years? What do you want to be able to say on your deathbed? Do you want to say at least I survived or do you want to say I thrived? It all depends on your passion.
Passion will lead you to anywhere you want to go in life. Without passion we just live but with passion we not only thrive but we conquer big circumstances. How many times have you seen people in circumstances and asked yourself how did they survive that? It all has to do with their passion for life. They wanted to live. They knew they would live so they lived to the core.
Passion can move mountains. Don’t think just because you are in a tough circumstance that God is not with you. He is with you always and he is ready to light your passion up. Will you allow him to light your fire?
People will come from miles away to watch you burn. Make sure it is a good kind of burn. Don’t allow people to tell you that you are too passionate about something or that you talk about something too much. There is a reason God planted that idea in your heart.
If no one has ever done what you want to do or no one understands then remember that God may want you to do it alone. By you staying passionate on where God is leading you, you help others follow their passion too. Passion is contagious. You can’t be passionate without it rubbing off on others.
You say you don’t have passion? Then get around passionate people. Let their passion rub off on you until your heart can catch your own fire. Once you light your fire then stay in God’s word so that Christ can pour gasoline on your fire! Without Christ your passion will fizzle out. Christ is the answer to everything involving passion.
Whatever you do never lose that passion for life. As long as there is hope in the future there is strength in the present. When you lose your passion or hope then you lose your power for today. Stay committed to Christ and to your calling and watch God move passion into your heart then into others around you.
Ask God to light the fire in your heart. Ask him what it is he wants you to do then go. Ask him to give you the courage to follow where he is leading. Ask him to help your heart stay passionate for life so that you can touch others around you.
Be Inspired or Be Left Behind!
Chris Benton