Have you ever been unjustly accused of something? Or has someone judged you harshly because of who you are? It happens all the time. I don’t think anyone is immune to it. It is a fact of life even though it shouldn’t be.
I see Christians judging people, people judging Christians, people judging how much someone weighs or whatever it is, it is wrong. We are supposed to love one another even if we are different. This isn’t saying that we don’t stand up against sin because we still have to do that.
We can stand up against sin but still stay in love with the person. I see many people stand in strength with zero love and then I see others love on people with no strength. What happens is when we stand up in only strength we tend to push people away and when we stand in love only we have a watered down message.
The only way to get the fullness of Christ is to stand in strength with love. When you balance out strength and love then God can work in your life.
Do you sit in church every week whispering to your neighbor, look at that dress? You have just unjustly made remarks about someone. You have no idea what that person is going through. Instead of whispering about what she is wearing why don’t you go sit next to her and see if you can love on her some? Maybe she just needs someone to believe in her?
All my life I have been judged harshly. It isn’t fun but I am used to it by now. I know as long as I am doing something I will be judged. I have been told most of my life that I would never amount to anything. I have even heard someone tell their daughter that I didn’t deserve to live because of my past. Is that not crazy?
I am sure you can look back on your life and recall many people who have judged you. Don’t use that as an excuse to judge others now. You of all people should know how that feels therefore be less prone to judge.
But have you noticed that those of us who change our lives tend to forget where we came from? I catch myself asking why can’t that person change? I tend to forget that it took me many years of changing to get to where I am at. I faced 19 years of addictions that I gave up back in 2007.
Changing is never easy but it is necessary in life. There is only growing or dying. There is no such thing as stagnation in life. I hear people say I am just stagnant. Well that is false. They are not stagnant, in reality they are going downhill.
I have also known people to say well I am in a great place in my life so I am coasting. Well there is only going downhill when you coast. If you are going to grow as a person then growing takes work. It is a discipline that you follow each day.
I guess I got a little sidetracked here. Back to being judged unjustly, I have many times in the past looked at someone and made a quick judgement and then find out later that I was so wrong. When it comes to people, we should never make a quick judgement. We should open the book so we can see what is inside of it.
Have you ever bought a book because of the title then come to find out it was a worthless book? Of course you have, we all have. Now have you also not bought a book because of the title to then learn that is one of the best books out there? Snap judgements also hurt. Never allow yourself to make a snap judgement.
Matthew 7:1 – Judge not, that you be not judged.
That is pretty clear. If you judge someone then you will also be judged. You have no idea if you would act the same way as they do if you were to live in their circumstances. Yes I know that sometimes we put ourselves in those circumstances but that still gives us no right to judge that person. It is between them and God. Let God be God.
If you want to live a peaceful life, you can only do this if you keep your heart free from judging. Yes this is very hard sometimes to do but bite that tongue.
This also isn’t talking about holding someone accountable. If you see a brother or sister falling then we are to stand up against sin. You have to use a little wisdom because sometimes a person might need that kick right in the butt but other times he or she might just need your ear.
It’s about having the right attitude and staying focused on Christ and following what he would do under that circumstance. We also don’t know for sure how Christ would react to certain things but I know deep down we usually have a good idea. The Holy Spirit will guide you if you allow him to.
So what is it that you need to do? The biggest things are to stay in the Word daily and stay in prayer daily. Both of those can change your life. I have seen many people who live free of judgement and they are usually strong prayer warriors and they stay in God’s word everyday.
With our busy schedules sometimes this is hard but we have to make time for God. Why should he make time for us if we don’t block out some time with him? He will always be there for us if we choose to be there. I hear many people say they feel that God left them but in reality they left God. He isn’t going anywhere.
He is ready and able when you choose to come back to him. Maybe you have been away from him for a while now? I took a long break from him because of my ego and pride. I let many years go by before I made the decision to turn back to him.
Don’t do what I did, turn back now. Even if you have been away for 20 years, it is time to come back now. Don’t live another day without being with God. We all need the peace only he can give.
Ask God to bring back the peace to your life. Ask him to heal your heart of all judgement so that you can have a peaceful heart. Ask him to come back into your life so that you can know the one true God. Ask him to change your heart so that you can live out his mission for your life.
I could have hit many more issues about judging but I will leave it at that. Maybe I will write another blog later down the road on judging.
Be Inspired or Be Left Behind!
Chris Benton