What Deep Down Breaks Your Heart?

What deep down bothers you? Whatever this is will lead you to where God called you to go. We all have a calling and purpose from God. He put something within us that we are supposed to do. God created you on purpose, with a purpose and for a purpose.

Many people haven’t figured out what God’s purpose for their lives is. I am telling you the first step to figuring that out is find out what bothers you. They say if you find your misery you will find your ministry. That is so TRUE!

So what bothers me? There are 2 things that really bother me. One is watching marriages fall apart and the other is watching people not live up to their God-Given potential. People have so much God-given potential but very few live at that level. They settle for average but God didn’t call us to be average. He called us to be Godly and there is a huge difference.

In regard to marriages I watch many people on Facebook talk about their spouses. I read so many statuses that put down either marriage in general or their spouse. It saddens me so much to read that. As I watch TV, most shows nowadays also put down the union of marriage.

How many sex scenes do we see in movies where the couple are married? There aren’t too many out there that have the scenes with married people. So everywhere we look we are being bombarded with the message that marriage is bad.

It just breaks my heart when I see this especially that so many people believe this. Marriage doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact marriage is an awesome thing when both people are in it together. When you have two people pursuing God together on a daily basis, nothing can stop this couple.

The key to that last line is together and daily. Many couples who do pursue God, usually do it in their own time and not together or if they do it together they don’t do it daily.

If you want a solid marriage it takes doing a few simple things every single day. It is recommended that we bathe everyday so why shouldn’t we also do things for our marriage everyday? Our marriages can stink just like we would if we don’t bathe everyday.

I believe that many couples get complacent within their marriages. People feel that since we are married then we don’t have to try as hard. We already have that person. That is the wrong attitude to have and that will eventually lead you right into divorce court.

How many people get all dressed up to spend 40-60 hours a week for a boss to then turn around come home and dress down for their spouse? Does that even make sense? Of course it doesn’t but most people do that all the time and think nothing of it. They spend their best hours a day with other people then the spouse gets all the leftovers.

Marriage takes work and a lot of it but when done right, it is such an awesome feeling. I just want to see people do more for their marriages then they have been. I want to see a world where husbands love their wives like Christ loves the church. That is how we as husbands are called to love!

Ephesians 5:25 –  Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.

If you aren’t loving your wife in that way then you aren’t following what God said for us husbands to do. God is calling us to be the leaders of our home and to take charge of the family. Quit being a passive husband and father!

It also breaks my heart when I see people who have so much God-Given potential and they waste it away. I was there for so many years so I understand. I was wasting away life because I didn’t think God even cared about me. I did believe in God, I just didn’t believe I was worthy of anything.

Because of how I believed, I went through a rough journey of 19 years of addictions. It wasn’t the whole 19 years straight but it was most of it. It was 6 months addicted then 6 month sober then back to my addictions. No matter what I did, I just could not break the addictions.

I almost allowed my addictions to destroy my life and I almost allowed them to destroy my marriage. When Sandy and I got married, it was during one of my sober moments but 6 months after we married my mom passed away. That broke me completely. I just didn’t know how to handle it so I turned away from Sandy and went right back to my addictions.

It wasn’t until 5 years in when I finally gave my addictions to Christ. That was Dec 26th, 2007. I have been sober ever since and WOW, do I see many things differently since then. I am so thankful that my awesome wife Sandy stuck by me during those times. She leaned on God a lot.

I wasted so much of my life not living up to the potential that God has placed inside of me. I don’t want others to feel what I have felt all those years. It just breaks my heart when I see that happen to others because I understand exactly how they feel because I felt that way once before.

So what does break your heart? When you find that answer, you will be on your way to figuring out what God called you to do.

Ask God to help you figure out why you are here. If you have no idea what breaks your heart then ask him to break your heart with what breaks his. Ask him to give you the courage to just go out on faith where he is leading you.

Be Inspired or Be Left Behind!

Chris Benton

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