We are 55 days from 2014 so now is the time to start thinking and praying over where God is leading you in 2014. Don’t wait until it is here to start thinking about it. God has plans for each of us in 2014 but the question is will you follow the path that he leads?
I want to clarify something here, I am not saying to do nothing the rest of the year because we do still have 55 days left. What I am saying is if you know where he is leading you for 2014, you can start working towards that and using the rest of this year to springboard you into that vision!
I see many people who have a vision for their life but they honestly don’t know if this is just their dream or God’s vision. You have to do a little soul searching and praying over your vision so that you know this is where God is leading you.
I don’t know about you but my biggest fear is to one day go to heaven and find out that my vision was just that and only mine. God had a whole other vision for my life but I was either too stubborn to listen or just let my EGO get in the way.
Sometimes we can also let fear get in the way. How many times have you felt God nudge you toward something but you said no to it because of fear? This happens all the time. People say but my personality doesn’t fit where I think God is leading me. Does that really matter? Remember when you come to Christ, you are a new creation and God is turning you into the person he wants you to become.
Never allow who you think you are to stop you from becoming who God called you to be. I see people who have talents in an area but they refuse to go that way even though it looks like God is behind them because of fear. STOP IT NOW!!!
Allow God to guide you into 2014. Let all your guards down and go wherever he ask you to go even if you have fear. Just do it anyway. Remember, anywhere God leads you, he already has the provision to make it happen. Your concern should not be how will I accomplish this. Your concern should be are you open to being used for God? God is ready to use you but you have to be willing and open.
One of the things God is leading us is to write several books and also build sermons / speaking around those books. I will not get into detail yet but our first couple of books will be about moving forward, marriage and addictions. I believe those 3 things we were called to do first. Granted this could change as I feel God nudging us in certain areas but for now those are our 3 book ideas is nothing changes. This is something that both Sandy and i feel led to do. We are a team and our vision is no different!
All of this is a part of God’s vision for our lives and our marriage. Does this scare us? Very much so but we know this is the direction that God is leading us right now in our lives. You may ask why we are saying right now in our lives? I am saying that because I believe that as we accomplish what God is calling us to do right now then he will take us to our next vision down the road.
See many people want God to do it all right now but that is not how he works. They want God to use them mightily and he wants that too but you have to start where you are. God will never take you to your next until you follow what he says for you now. Are you willing to go where God is leading you in order to get to your next later?
Ask God to guide you in your pursuit with his vision. Ask God to give you the wisdom to know the difference between your dream and his vision for your life. Ask God to give you the courage to follow through no matter where he leads. Ask God to keep you humble so that you stay focused on him as you grow in life.
Be Inspired or Be Left Behind!
Chris Benton