Do you realize that the hardest thing in life is to focus? That is where satan deceives people. He gets people focused on so many things that people get nothing accomplished for God. We are no different. We are all going through this. The lack of focus causes 90+% of failures out there whether it is in ministry or business or marriage or even parenting. Everything you do in life requires focus.
God has been leaning on my heart about this because I know this is my weakest point. I have the Faith and the Vision to see the big picture but lack the focus for day to day things.
So we have strong goals and a vision for the next 5 years that will be next to impossible. I believe that God is going to use people to do the impossible. You just have to believe that. Lets not go out and think small. Ask God to give you a vision so big that it scares you! If your vision doesn’t scare you then its not from God.
Why would God give you a vision that you can do without him? If you focus on God, he will work through you a vision for the impossible. If you have been reading our blogs then you probably kind of know the direction our vision is going. Do you think this scares us? We shake when we think about this but we both believe that God is leading us for this and if God gives you the Vision, he will give you the provision to make it happen.
If you focus on God, he will guide you. What you focus on the most you will get more of. This is no different. If you emerse in God’s word and pray and walk the talk, God will lead the way.
Let go of your fears and ask God to give you the Vision he has for your life and marriage. Focus on God and your spouse and you will see so much happen that you will not believe whats happening even though you are watching it with your own eyes.
Take some time to sit down with your spouse and just pray over this and focus all of your attention on God and each other. Spend at least 1 hour a day in conversation with each other and God. Just do this for 1 week and watch what happens. You will keep this going.
You may be saying to yourself but I have no time. Well you better make time. If you are wanting that deep relationship with God and your spouse, you are going to have to take the time to do things together. God needs you to get this so that he can guide the 2 of you to the Vision that he has for your marriage. No Excuses! Just get the job done.
For those of you who say you are working to put food on the table, are you really? Are you really doing that or or you working to build up a fake life to impress people you don’t even know? I bet if you dig deep you will get an answer.
There is no job more important than God and your spouse. If you are putting your job ahead of either of the 2 then you are doomed for failure. What good is it to gain all the material possessions and then lose your spouse?
Don’t get me wrong here, nothing wrong with having material possessions as long as they don’t have you.
In the book No More Excuses by Tony Evans, he writes that the right direction of marriage is one in which your wife / spouse takes precedence over your career, your friends, your own interests and anyone or anything on earth. Is that not a great quote? This is a quote we have tried to live by and it works.
Be Inspired or Be Left Behind!
Chris Benton