I watch people and their attitudes all the time and i am finding out that many people who want to have people follow them just has no passion. Passion shows that you truly believe in what you are saying. Anyone can say anything but you can’t fake passion because passion comes from within you. People would rather follow a passionate person instead of someone dead.
No one follows someone who has little to no passion. Have you ever heard someone speak and said to yourself, they just don’t seem passionate to you? You can feel a passionate person. Passion moves people. When you move people then big things can happen.
People follow leaders with passion. Many people follow people who maybe they don’t 100% agree with just because of their passion. They feel that this person is going somewhere and they don’t want to miss the boat. They know by being around this person, passion will rub off on them too.
Just because someone has a ton of passion doesn’t mean they are loud either. I know many people who are very low-key but you can feel the passion when they speak. Passion leads people to make quality decisions. Passion is a game changer.
When you get your passion at 212 degrees then look out because God will use you mightily. God can take your 212 degree passion and turn it into something you only dream of. God wants your passion, he doesn’t need your passive self. It is really easy to stay passive in life but that is not what God called us to be. He called us to be fully devoted followers of Christ. When you are fully devoted your passion will come out.
So many people believe they can’t be passionate because passion is emotional and they are not that but i believe that is not true. How many times have you seen someone who believes that watching their favorite football game? I know I have and WOW can people truly get passionate about a game that in the thick of things really means nothing for their lives.
If you can get passionate about a game them you get get passionate about things that matter. You just have to find something that you fully believe in and start talking about that. People will see the passion come out of you. Passion is not something that someone can teach you. it is a way that you feel about something specific. I say specific because you can’t be passionate about generalities as that is not how passion works.
I once heard a preacher ask “What deep down bothers you”? If you can get a grip on that question, you will be on your way to finding what God called you to become. Several things deeply effect me but I believe one that cuts me open is seeing people not living up to their God-Given potential. That one is rough to understand for people because I want to see people grow as growth is what it takes in life.
My second thing is seeing marriages flourish which kind of goes along with seeing people live to their potential because many marriages are not living to their potential and the couples in them are just living each day wondering if their marriage is over.
Those two things bother me a lot as I work with people and that’s a part of the reason for this site to help people move to the next level in life whatever that may be!
Be Inspired or Be Left Behind!
Chris Benton