It’s Time to Take Action!

What are you doing? Have you read everything? Have you researched everything within your field that you want to do? Do you know exactly what to do? Then why not take action? So many times people know what to do but they never go out and do it. Why?

I don’t know about you but been there done that. It’s still a problem in some areas for me but I am working on that as we speak. Until we finally take some kind of action we will never see the fruit of what we do. Don’t sit back and become what’s called “Knowledge Constipated”, this is when you fill yourself up with so much information but never do anything.

The more info without action you do the harder it becomes to tack action. Why you may say? Think about over eating. You eat and eat then after a big buffet you can’t hardly move, well the same thing happens within our minds. You can keep filling up so much information but then you become harder to move.

Here is the great part, once you take a step then the next step becomes easier. The first step is always the hardest and things will get easier especially as you start to create new habits. Once you have done that then your life will start to change.

How do you do it?

1) Find something you put off – Go out and put together your to do list and find something that you have been putting off then take that magic first step and go do it.

2) Praise yourself – Once you have taken that first step its time to pat yourself on the back because you took a step to change the rest of your life. This isn’t to say rest on your laurels. Its to show yourself some appreciation for doing something. Many times we beat ourselves up so much that we forget to pat ourselves when we do something right.

3) If that is not done take next step – For some people that first thing will already be done so then you need to tackle something else but for others its steps into what you want to accomplish. If thats you then take the next step to move forward.

4) Make a plan – You may be saying wouldn’t make a plan come first? If you have been putting things off then making a plan would have helped you put things off because then you could say well I am doing something. I wanted to get a success or two under your belt before you make that plan. Its all about creating momentum in your life by taking a step at a time.

How do you eat an elephant? A bite at a time and you do the same thing with tasks. Now is the time to create an action plan that fits your goals. Don’t just throw something together. Create something that not only makes sense but also stretches you. If the plan is super easy and the goals are too low you will not grow so make it stretch you.

5) Take action on that plan – Once you have developed that plan now is the time to take full action. Don’t go wamsy pamsy on this. Take fully loaded massive action. See many people believe if you want xyz results you take this action and if you want half the result then you take half that action. That is not how life works. Half action usually results to 10% results if that! Hear me on this, massive action is the right way to go.

6) Look at what you have done – Now its time to examine what has worked and what didn’t work so you can rework the plan you created. If you see something that 100% didn’t work at all then throw that out and change how you do that. If you see something that worked like magic then be sure to keep that in the new plan.

7) Make new plan – Now its time to put all the knowledge together from your experience to recreate that plan again. See when you first made the plan you didn’t have the experience you have now so this plan will be somewhat different.

8) Take massive action – Take massive action on the new plan and just keep repeating the process. As you grow there will be new plans and new ideas.

If you do this with every weak point in your life, you will eventually be strong in all these areas and stronger in your strength areas. Its all about growth and your growth will go through the roof if you follow this formula.

Be Inspired or Be Left behind!

Chris Benton

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