3 Years Ago Today – Jan 11, 2012?

So 3 years ago today, Jan 11, 2012 somewhere around 10 AM Sandy said I think my water broke. She wasn’t sure because the doctor just told us a few days before that 50% of women get that wrong when it happens and she was not having any contractions so we weren’t sure what we should do because he told us before we go to the ER to come by his office first but again no contractions.

Well we decided to just relax and see and 2 hours later around 12PM she was walking in the living room and said do you think our lil boy could come today so jokingly I said if he is going to come today you better start having those contractions and it was not even a minute later she almost hit the ground with the first contraction and I thought she was playing with me but as soon as I realized she wasn’t I went to her immediately.

They were already only a few minutes a apart and she called the doctors and they told her they will have a room at the office ready when we get there. We had no idea what to expect because this was our first baby even though I was 40. It was one crazy day that we will never forget because that day changed our lives.

So many people told us how kids changes your lives but until you actually have one, you just don’t know. You can have all the animals you want but its not the same at all. Lil Chris came into our lives that evening at 9:43 PM and hes been such a Blessing.

I can’t believe he is 3 years old today. Just amazing watching him grow up. Its been one crazy adventure and looking forward to watching him become a grown boy then into a man and hopefully a wife down the road.

I pray all the time over him and his future wife. I hope that he finds a wife just like my awesome Sandy because then I will not have to worry about him at all. Shes a great wife and a great mom and looking forward to doing life with both of them for the next 40+ years or however long God gives all of us. I just know that I am super Blessed to have both of them in my life and I just can’t ask for too much more without feeling a little greedy because life is amazing with them.

Right now we may not have everything money can buy but we have everything money can’t buy and to me thats the most important. I am not saying we are striving for more financially because we always will on that front but we have the love that it takes to make anything work no matter where you are in life. Love is the answer to so many things in this dark world because its love that can change things.

I am just so grateful for what we have in our marriage and what we have in Lil Chris. Its been a great over 12 years of marriage and also a great 3 years with Lil Chris!!!!

Be Inspired or Be Left Behind!

Chris Benton

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