Plan NOW for God’s Vision for 2016!

We have a little over two weeks left of 2015. How has 2015 been for you? Are you doing anything differently for 2016 to make it a different year? For us, we have had ups and downs in 2015 so our main thing is getting more focused. I want my writing to be a big focal point of 2016. Yes, I have other goals in 2016 but my writing will play a HUGE part of my 2016.

Right now is the time to start planning your 2016. Don’t wait until next year. Set those goals and plans now so that you can springboard into 2016. Also, don’t stop this year either because you can make the last part of the year the best part of your year if you focus.

I recently got my first Christian article published in Faith Filled Family Magazine. If you want to go read it, you can go to this link right here. Go to page 67 and that is where my article is. This whole issue is about myths of the bible and my topic was about Heaven & Hell and if there is a Hell. I have two more articles going in the next issue so I am very excited about that. I look forward to many more articles published through the months and years to come!

One of my dreams is to be a published author so being a published writer is a great start. When it comes to your vision you have to take steps to get there. It is not about taking a giant leap but many baby steps that will lead you closer to your vision.

Writing is a huge passion of mine. Writing for that magazine is going to help make my writing better because I am used to just sitting at the computer and typing until I stop. There usually is no complete direction. That is how I write on this site including what I am writing right now. But with the magazine I have to be more focused on what I write since I have a topic to adhere to.

One of my goals involves writing as much as I can and also writing my first book in 2016. I am still working on the topic, but I am leaning towards telling my 19-year addiction story about how I have been sober now for almost 8 years. I am not set on a title yet but thinking it may be called “Against All Odds” – Turning Addictions into Blessings. It will be something to that nature at least.

I am also planning on speaking at churches through 2016 about addictions. This part I am not sure how it will happen, but I know God will lead the way and help open some doors while closing a few doors too.

The book and speaking will be my most important goals ever because I am hoping Sandy and I can help set some people free by allowing God to speak through us. This will help many people including marriages because addictions are problematic in a lot of marriages. I say, Sandy because I know her part needs to be told too. In most cases, you only hear about the person with the addiction, but hardly ever hear about the spouse that has to stay strong during those times.

As Sandy and I talk about the past, she tells me things that are hard for me to take in but I have to listen to what she has to say. As she talks, I realize that her side needs to be told because it will help many people. I truly believe that.

I am in awe at the vision God gave us for 2016. I do not know how we will accomplish all of it, but I know God is leading us there. Remember, if your vision can be accomplished by you alone then it’s not worthy of being called God’s vision for your life. God’s vision will always stretch you. It will always have you reach beyond where you think you can go. It will always be bigger than what’s in your bank account. When you get a vision that scares you, that is a vision that comes from God! I ask that you pray for us to go where God is leading us. Yes, it’s scary but we know it’s what we need to do.

So remember, as you are planning out 2016, take some time to listen to God because you want to go where he wants you to go not where you want to go. Many people believe that you come up with a dream then you go for it, but many times that dream is not God’s calling. That dream may get you closer to God’s calling but until you are following God’s calling on your life, there will always be an empty space in your heart.

Ask God to give you the vision he wants you to have. Ask him to give you strength and courage to follow through. Ask him to give you the wisdom you need to know the difference from your dream and his vision for your life. Now move forward in Faith each day towards that vision!

Living a God-Inspired Life,

Chris Benton

P.S. Would you like to help us in our vision? You can CLICK HERE to help!

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