It’s NOT your job to change people, that’s God’s Job!

I have watched so many people get put down who are not following God the way other people think they should. This is a personal journey for each of us and God knows that I can’t tell people how to follow because if you look at my past, WOW I have no right to judge at all. I think all of us if we are honest would have to say the same thing.

God never asked you to change people, he asked you to lead people to him and allow him to change them. So what if they don’t change overnight? That is OK because I was first saved back in 1997 and although I made many changes, I backslid so much since then.
I am still growing each day so how can I look at someone and say you need to do this or you need to do that? You know what, I can’t! I can’t because God works in me every day just like he is working in other people. It is their journey. maybe their heart is not ready to be all in but God is still working there.

The problem happens is when we try to become God. We can’t do God’s work because we will destroy what he is doing inside of other people. I have watched Christians slam people who doesn’t change overnight and what happens then is that person leaves the church. Sometimes that person even pulls away from God and now their heart becomes hardened to what God was doing inside of them because of you!

I don’t know all the answers but what I do know is that God wants me to be the example. God wants me to be the light. God wants me to inspire others to change. By you living for God the way he is leading you, that in itself will change many lives. People will see God working in you if you stay focused on God.

Give God back his job and allow him to do it because he is way better than you are. You do what you need to do to love on people. The goal is to lead people to Christ and allow God to work from there. You will be so amazed if you just love people and let God do the rest. Remember, we don’t change and then we come to God, we come to God and then he changes us. That is how God created it!

I am not saying here that you should not stand up for your beliefs so please don’t read that from what I have said. I am saying not to slam people for not growing spiritually at the rate you feel they should grow. God knows what he is doing with them just like he knows what he is doing with you. Focus on you and that will inspire those around you to change. Change you and you will change the world!

Ask God to help you discern when you are judging others. Ask him to give you the patience in others so you allow him to work in them. Ask God to help you grow spiritually so when people watch you it inspires them to want to change. Ask him to pour so much love in you that it overflows through you to other people! Amen!

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