You have to be careful when God calls you that you don’t look at other people and think they could do a better job than you so why didn’t God call them? Sometimes you may feel so inadequate. That is not of God, the enemy is saying those things to you. We all have thoughts like that from time to time where we have our insecurities and it is OK to have them from time to time, just don’t live there!
For example, both Sandy and I know God called into a marriage ministry but because we are married for 22 years, sometimes thoughts come my way well look at that person, they are married for 30 years or 50 years so it makes me feel like why would anyone listen to us?
Then I have to remember that we have a different story and it is our story that God wants to use. Also maybe some of those other couples he has tried to move this way but they would not listen and Sandy and I are listening. Whatever the case, we know that God knows best and we know without a doubt that we have been called so we have to take God at his word and keep moving forward without allowing insecurities into our life.
You will have to go through the same things because when God calls, many times we are like why us? When you look at the bible, you find a bunch of people that in reality, God should not have used. In fact, I am sure with the exception of Christ, there were always better people than the ones that he used but he didn’t use them for their talent or if they are able but for their availability!
The more available to Gods vision you become, the more he will use you because that is what he is looking for. He is not looking for someone with a ton of talent, he is looking for someone who believes and has so much Faith that the person will not be denied! Move forward in faith and over time watch God use you in a mighty way if you allow him. He is ready to take you to a new level, the next step is up to you!
Always remember that God called you for a reason! there are people that your story will touch that other people won’t touch so his mission for you will be in vain!
Living a God-Inspired Life,
Chris Benton