The Coupon Mentality will Destroy YOU!

I want to start by saying I am not saying saving money is a bad thing.…

Some People Want To See You Fail

This is a sad truth that we all have to live with but its still the…

Today Oct 1st starts 4th Quarter of 2014

Do you realize that 2014 is now 3 quarters over? Do you realize that even though…

Where is God Leading You in 2014?

We are 55 days from 2014 so now is the time to start thinking and praying…

Taking Effective Action

Are you taking effective action? What do I mean by effective action? Effective action is action…

Are You in a Rut in Life?

Has life beaten you down? Has life become routine? What are you going to do to…

First Steps

No matter what you do in life, you always have to take the first step. It…

Walking With Christ

Do you really believe you are walking with Christ or have you become just a church…

Do You Exercise? (Not What You Think)

When I ask the question “Do you exercise?” what comes to mind? I am sure everything…

Where is Your Focus?

Do you realize that the hardest thing in life is to focus? That is where satan…