Are You Living a “What If” Life?

As you look at the world, are you living a what if life? Are you so…

A Challenge to Live Your LIFE!

A lot of people I know right now are going through passing of family members. It’s…

Are You Choosing Compassion?

Our church, Savannah Christian, did a series called Choose Compassion at the beginning of the year. WOW,…

Where is God Leading You in 2014?

We are 55 days from 2014 so now is the time to start thinking and praying…

Taking Effective Action

Are you taking effective action? What do I mean by effective action? Effective action is action…

Is Your Heart Right?

When it comes to living for Christ nothing is as important as your heart. I see…

When the Storms Comes?

Where are you when the storms of life come? Are you still praising God or do…

Living On Faith!

Do you go through life worrying about everything or are you living on Faith? It is…

Life Begins Just Outside of Your Comfort Zone (Part 2)

My last blog post, I talked about where Life begins. I felt a nudge to expand…

Life Begins Just Outside of Your Comfort Zone (Part 1)

Chris Powell of Extreme Weightloss made a statement on an episode of the show. He said “Life begins just…