Extreme Makeover God’s Edition

Extreme Makeover Home Edition was in Savannah GA filming a few years ago. It was so great…

I Don’t Belong in This Mess: Breaking the Chains of Addiction

Do You Feel Like Nothing Good Comes Your Way? You are not alone. Many people in…

Letting Go of Baggage: Living a Life Free to Grow

What holds most people back? I watch so many people quit things—from marriages to passions, and…

Living with Emotions Part 6 (Wrap Up)

If you are just reading this be sure to also read “Living with Emotions Part 1”,…

Living with Emotions Part 2 (Anger & Disgust)

After writing “Living with Emotions“, I felt like I needed to expand on the different emotions.…

Has Your Heart Really Changed?

This is a question we all have to ask because unless your heart has changed are…

When Your Income Outgrows Your Character?

Here is something I see happen a lot. People try to make a lot of money…

How God Got Us Back Into Church

I probably told this story in one of my past blogs, but I think it’s still…

Labels Divide Us!

Have you even noticed that people on facebook that get the most comments are usually people…

Self-Talk Will Make or Break You

A lot of people do not realize the power in self-talk. There is one person in…